Fall 2020 First-Year Orientation
Michigan State University is moving to an online orientation experience for summer 2020. You should have received an e-newsletter to your MSU email account with information for your online experience, how to access it, and how you will communicate with an academic advisor to coordinate your schedule and enroll in courses.
View our latest Orientation Newsletters!
June 10th Orientation Newsletter
Early May Orientation Newsletter
Our First-Year New Student Orientation (NSO) Programs are designed to welcome first-year students beginning in the fall semester to the MSU Community. Attending New Student Orientation will provide students with the opportunity to attend informational sessions geared towards their individual needs and prepare students for their first semester as a Spartan.

First-Year New Student Orientation will take place virtually throughout June and July. These programs are for new first-year students beginning their Spartan career in the Fall Semester. Students will learn about specific College requirements, academic success tips and helpful resources, and begin to build community with other new Spartan students. Students will also meet one-on-one with an academic advisor to discuss and enroll in courses.
What should I consider when signing up?
New Student Orientation programs are offered primarily between mid-June and late August. The majority of programs take place over two days with a limited number of one day program options offered in June and July with one option in August. Note that program availability is first come, first served. In order to select your program date and register for orientation you must submit your Advanced Enrollment Deposit to Michigan State.
June/July Programs
All June and July First-Year NSO Programs will be held virtually. You received a Welcome Email from NSO on May 1st. Please continue to check your MSU email for future messages. It contains important information to get you started with your orientation experience.
Orientation will take place through a series of steps.
- You now have access to your Pre-Orientation content! Check your D2L page for the course Spartan Experience: Pre-New Student Orientation. This content consists of a welcome message, as well as helpful resources and tutorials to help you become familiar with the online systems you will be using throughout your orientation and your time as an MSU student. We recommend that you complete this content prior to your scheduled NSO date.
- Next, you will receive access to your UGS 100 (orientation) content in. Those who have an NSO date between June 15 – July 2 will gain access on June 8. Those who have an NSO date July 6-31 will gain access on June 29. Those who have an NSO date in August will gain access on July 27. The content that you would have received at your in-person orientation will be included in this part of the orientation process. In June, you will also meet your assigned Orientation Leader who is a current MSU student and the rest of your orientation group members. You will continue to meet with your Orientation Leader and group throughout the summer. This content can be completed on a more flexible schedule throughout the summer, however we recommend that you complete this content on a weekly basis to remain engaged, if able.
- Approximately 3 three weeks prior to your scheduled NSO date, you will gain access to content related to the College of your declared major. This content will help prepare you for your meeting with your academic advisor and enrolling in your courses. Reviewing this content and completing the necessary steps in these modules must be completed 10 days prior to your scheduled NSO date in order to schedule your appointment with your advisor.
- Finally, more information about August events and fall semester engagement opportunities will be available soon!